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Bracketologists.com was founded in 2019 by CollegePollTracker as a website dedicated to making The NCAA NET Rankings more accessible and easier to view.
Why were the features available on Bracketologists not just integrated into CollegePollTracker.com?
When CollegePollTracker.com was built, we had a goal of tracking all ballot based polls for major NCAA sports. With the NET Rankings not being ballot based it really needed to be presented in a different format. We felt that the best way to do this would be to create a separate website.
What is NET?
The NCAA Evaluation Tool (NET) is a rankings system used by the NCAA Tournament to assist in seeding teams for the NCAA Tournament. The system is based on game results, strength of schedule, game location and net offensive and defensive efficiency.
Is the NET the only tool used to seed teams?
No. If it were then predicting a bracket ahead of time would be very easy. NCAA Committee members are given NET as one of their tools to help them seed teams. Committee members will also look at the data points that make up the NET rankings and other metrics to help seed teams.
What are Quadrants?
One of the parameters used in determining NET is the Quadrant system. Each game on a teams schedule is placed into a Quadrant which is based on game location and opponent rankings. The Quadrant system breaks down like:
Quadrant 1: Home 1-30, Neutral 1-50, Away 1-75.
Quadrant 2: Home 31-75, Neutral 51-100, Away 76-135.
Quadrant 3: Home 76-160, Neutral 101-200, Away 135-240.
Quadrant 4: Home 161-353, Neutral 201-353, Away 241-353.
My favorite team moved several spots in the rankings overnight. How does this happen?
Early on in the season when data is limited, teams tend to jump several spots at once. Movement by 1 team then has a domino effect as they move between Quadrants on an opponents schedule. The Quadrant of an opponent isn't based on their ranking when you play them but where they are today. If you start the season at home against a team ranked 200, that game is initially rated as a Quad 4 game. If that team proves to be better than initially ranked and they move up to 75 then that becomes a Quad 2 game which betters your teams ranking.
Why does my team have fewer Quadrant 1 wins than they did last time I checked?
This is caused by opponents rankings changing over time. As opponents move up and down the rankings, the Quadrant that they are in changes as well.
Why don't the team records on the NET Ranking page and Team pages match?
The NET Rankings page is a snapshot of what the teams record looked like when the rankings were released. If you look at previous rankings you'll see previous records. The Team pages show a real time look at a teams record. If the team has played since the NET Rankings were released then the records will differ.
Is Bracketologists.com associated with the NCAA or any of the Universities represented?
No. Bracketologists.com was created by CollegePollTracker and is independently owned and is not associated with any organizations or Universities.
How can I support Bracketologists.com?
This website was created by a couple of fans that wanted to make ranking data more accessible to fans. It's almost completely supported by the ads that we display. In addition to that, you can make small donations to keep the site running through our
Buy Me a Coffee page.
Is Bracketologists.com owned by a BYU fan?
Absolutely Not.